About Us

We are a small company located in Boynton Beach. We do home visits in the Palm Beach, St.Lucie, and Martin Counties.

We Employ Latest Research in BioMagnetism

I am a certified practitioner in Biomagnetism Pair Therapy, but rather provide traditional ministerial counseling, bioenergetic, biofeedback, herbal and/or nutritional modalities that may offer therapeutic benefit by supporting normal structure and function. 

In 1988 Biomagnetism was discovered by Dr. Isaac Goiz, a doctor, surgeon, and physical therapist. Dr. Goiz studied bioenergetics at the University of Oxford in 1999. Dr. Goiz found a new way to fight viruses and inhibit their presence in the body, and he discovered a new approach to medical science, the Biomagnetic Pair. This approach provides a methodology to explain diseases and their definitive cure from an energetic point of view.

Out Staff was trained by Dr. Ricardo Hildalgo, who has a Bsc. in Physical Therapy trained in German by Dr. Goiz.

In 2010, Ricardo received his diploma in Biomagnetism and Bioenergy from the Universidad De Chapingo for his thesis “Experiencia de biomagnetismo en niños en Haiti” (Biomagnetism Work with Childen in Haiti), which he defended in the 9th International Biomagnetic Congress. 

For all of his dedication and work in the field of Biomagnetic Therapy since 2005, Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran nominated Mr. Ricardo Yasu Hidalgo Esperidion as an official instructor of medical Biomagnetism seminars. 

unless separately licensed to do so, I do not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such diseases, nor provide diagnosis, care, treatment, or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles

Why Choose Us

Well Trained Therapist

Unmatched Expertise

Precise Result

Affordable Prices


Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, Florida, US 33426

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